Welcome to Our Resources

On these pages, the key outputs of the Handshake project will be posted alongside key resources about the cities and general good practices in cycling.

Public deliverables will be created over the course of the project until 2022 and will be posted as soon as they are available. Follow our twitter channel or sign up to our Newsletter to keep up to date with new materials.

Some example resources are showcased below.

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Made in Handshake

Plan Amsterdam - Giving Way to cyclists


How cycling is still on the rise in Amsterdam, and will be for the foreseeable future. Contributions include stories about the lack of cycle parking space and how this is being resolved, and what the main mobility challenges for the next few years will be.

Resource page

Publication date: Thu 1 Feb 2018

Author: City of Amsterdam

Language: English

Bordeaux Metropolitan Bicycle Plan


The metropolitan bicycle plan voted by elected officials in December 2016 represents 70 million euros over the 2017-2020 period. Among the flagship actions is the creation of a Metropolitan House of alternative mobilities, the development of the V3 network, a two-wheel-drive infrastructure development plan worth € 30 million and the reinforcement of communication and initiation actions for cycling .

Resource page

Publication date: Wed 24 Jan 2018

Author: Bordeaux Métropole

Language: English, French

Copenhagen Publication on Cycle Superhighways


A cycle superhighway is a cycle highway, where the commuters’ needs have been given the highest priority. The cycle superhighways of the Capitol Region is a coherent network of cycle highways which provides a safe, smooth ride with fewer stop and increased safety – offering an alternative to the car on distances of more than 5 kilometers.

Resource page

Publication date: Mon 1 Jan 2018

Author: Capitol Region of Copenhagen Office for Cycle Superhighways

Language: English

Improvements to Cycling Infrastructure in Munich 2018


"Verbesserungen der Radverkehrsinfrastruktur" The map gives an overview of the central measures for the expansion of the bicycle infrastructure. Cycling projects implemented in 2018 are presented as well as current projects and plans. The map is updated once or twice a year.

Resource page

Publication date: Mon 1 Jan 2018

Author: City of Munich

Language: German

Helsinki Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic and Parking

Policy note Publication

Publication date: Thu 14 Apr 2016

Author: City of Helsinki

Language: Finnish

CROW Fietsberaad Knowledge Base


CROW-Fietsberaad aims at the development, dissemination and exchange of practice-oriented knowledge about bicycle policy. The website includes the renowned Design manual for bicycle traffic (updated 2016) available for purchase. English language resources are available via the search filter.

Resource page

Publication date: Fri 1 Jan 2016

Author: CROW

Language: Dutch, English

Riga City Development Cycling Concept 2015-2030


Riga's Traffic Department developed the cycling development concept created in collaboration with the association "Latvian cyclist association". The concept is based on three main directions of development:   Cycling infrastructure;  Cycling planning and management;  Cycling promotion and education.  The concept includes an action plan and a possible financial model for the construction of cycling infrastructure for 2016-2018.

Resource page

Publication date: Thu 1 Jan 2015

Author: City of Riga

Language: Latvian

Cadiz Draft Bicycle Plan


"Ordenanza Municipal Reguladora De La Movilidad Y Uso De Las Bicicletas Por Las Vías Y Espacios Públicos De La Ciudad De Cádiz"

Resource page

Publication date: Mon 1 Sep 2014

Author: City of Cadiz

Language: Spanish

Focus on Cycling - Copenhagen’s Guidelines for Bicycle Infrastructure

Policy note Publication

Copenhagen’s guidelines for bicycle infrastructure is described in detail in the publication Focus on Cycling. This includes intersection design, bicycle track width, signage, bicycle parking, maintenance.

Resource page

Publication date: Thu 10 Apr 2014

Author: City of Copenhagen

Language: English


This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 769177.

The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the CIVITAS Handshake project and in no way reflects the views of the European Commission.