Copenhagen Bicycle Statement 2018


The annual bicycle reviews have been addressed to the Technology and Environment Committee and are an overview of the City of Copenhagen's priority efforts in the field of cycling and the effect of these, as well as the status of the politically agreed goals and for the citizens' satisfaction. The bicycle reviews also provide suggestions for concrete initiatives that may be relevant to initiate in connection with the budget negotiations.

The development of bicycle traffic and the existing objectives is the starting point for Cycle Report 2018. The following six themes have been identified as the most important future initiatives in the bicycle area:

  • Bicycle parking
  • Super Bike Paths
  • Bicycle paths and secure school roads
  • Bicycle and walkways / tunnels
  • Bicycle Roads
  • Green bicycle routes

Publication date: Sat 1 Dec 2018

Author: City of Copenhagen

Language: Danish

Copenhagen Bicycle Statement cover

This project has received funding from the European Unionā€˜s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 769177.

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