Below are the technical partners that support cities in Handshake, led by the Project Coordinator ISINNOVA.

In addition to these, Handshake has an Advisory Group, which meets periodically during the project to review and help direct project. This includes representatives from the Dutch Cycling Embassy, Danish Cycling Embassy, the General German Bicycle Club, and the Smart Cycling Futures project.


The Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (ISINNOVA) is an independent research institute supporting international and national public bodies.

It deals in the analysis, design and evaluation of sustainable policies in the fields of energy, environment, transport and mobility, urban planning, governance, change management and public participation.

ISINNOVA has extensive experience with policy impact assessment, particularly social, environmental and cost-benefit analyses, with forward-looking analytical methods, and with the appraisal of the replicability potential of innovative solutions. ISINNOVA Is a high-profile player in the research and innovation arena having played a key role in the conception, coordination and implementation of some of the most significant projects carried out in Europe.

See ISINNOVA's website

ICLEI Europe

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 1,750 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development.

Active in over 100 countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. Our Members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability.

Based in Freiburg, itself a renowned cycling city, ICLEI Europe has a dedicated mobility team involved in other European projects related to sustainable urban mobility planning.

See ICLEI Europe's website

Mobiel 21

Mobiel 21 is an NGO for sustainable mobility.

A multidisciplinary team helps to build a living environment that is accessible and liveable in an eco-friendly and safe way. Mobiel 21 inspires and activates people, organisations and governments to thoughtfully consider their means of transport and mobility habits. Mobiel 21 raises awareness and encourages behavioural change through research and by informing, educating and encouraging social actions among several target groups.

Influencing mobility behaviour is at the core of Mobiel 21, which uses applied research to feed its creative campaign concepts and project ideas, analyses their impact and provides relevant policy recommendations.

See Mobiel 21's website


Decisio supports public authorities and corporations during all stages of strategic decision making.

It focuses on the economics of policy and investments and on the communication between the originators and the aimed target groups. Decisio has developed standard methodologies and operating procedures while still recognizing situational differences. Based in a cycling city and country (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Decisio has been able to build on extensive knowledge of cycling benefits.

Decisio covers research and consulting with regard to bicycle economics and bicycles’ impact on society in a broader sense. During the last years it has specialised in: Research on the social costs and benefits of cycling (SCBA method); Economic impact analyses of the urban cycling economy, and; Feasibility studies for investments in cycling infrastructure and other measures (such bicycle parking).

See Decisio's website

Urban Cycling Institute (UCI)

The Urban Cycling Institute is part of the Center for Urban Studies of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Its research and teaching group takes a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the intricate web of causes and effects of urban cycling. It strives to balance a critical academic stance with a pragmatic practice-oriented approach of developing and disseminating knowledge. Its mission is to provide a fertile ground for sharing knowledge and learning about urban cycling on all levels of the academic curriculum, and to bring this knowledge to transportation practice.

Research topics span a range of disciplines – including sociology, anthropology, geography, urban planning, and engineering – by using both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches. UCI members are part of the larger Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences and are therefore involved in a wide range of Bachelor's and Master's courses in Geography and Urban Planning. Beyond Handshake, concurrent projects include, among others, CYCLEWALK (Interreg) and Smart Cycling Futures (SURF).

See Urban Cycling Institute (UCI)'s website

Velo Mondial

Velo Mondial is involved in a myriad of cycling projects.

Velo Mondial - based in Amsterdam - is partner in Handshake for the production of inspirational material for wider take-up. Velo Mondial also worked on VeloCittà: a project for the improvement of Bicycle Share Systems. VeloCittà will see its results continued in collaboration between ISINNOVA, ‘Urbtrans’ and Velo Mondial.

Velo Mondial is developing a concept for a ‘Digital Urban Mobility Network’ in Amsterdam. The concept was first launched during the ‘European Cycling Summit 2018’ in Salzburg Austria.

See Velo Mondial's website

This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 769177.

The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the CIVITAS Handshake project and in no way reflects the views of the European Commission.