Infrastructure and Services
Infrastructure and Services

Integration of Cycling on All Transport Services

Whilst the provision of physical cycling facilities at interchanges with other modes of transport is important, cyclists also need to have to have easy ticketing and space provided on trains, metros and taxis.

No bike is an island

Handshake cities will learn from one another on how cities such as Copenhagen have adapted public transport vehicles to carry bikes and cater for a strong culture of cycling across all modes of transport.

Cities using this solution

River in Copenhagen
Leader: Copenhagen

From 2010 it has been free to bring your bike on the urban rail system (S-tog). This has made it easier to combine the bicycle with public transportation on longer routes and to commuters, and bike-carrying passengers make up 10 % of all passengers. The City of Copenhagen cooperates with public transportation operators to further improve facilities for bicyclists at stations and bus stops and to bring about more combined travel solutions.

See all other solutions in this city

City of Turin landscape
Follower: Turin

Intermobility is a theme that is mandatory for Turin’s future sustainable mobility; in order to enforce the use of bicycle joint with public transport, Park and Ride and special fares policies need to be achieved, seasonal tickets to bring the bike in the train need to implemented.

It’s also necessary to make an analysis of actual and future demand about public bike parking in correspondence of the metro and tram stops, and in the whole city to enforce the use of the mix of bikes and urban public transport. It’s under development the implementation of two bike parking into the two main train stations. These analyses are mandatory to meet quality standard for bike parking and a correct planning for the bike parking in the whole city.

See all other solutions in this city

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This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 769177.

The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the CIVITAS Handshake project and in no way reflects the views of the European Commission.