Join this year's Social Biking challenge as part of EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK
Richard Adams
Richard Adams
The European Commission is launching its Social Biking challenge across Europe this year from 16 September (the start of EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK) for three weeks. The Social Biking challenge aims to encourage cycling as a social habit. The challenge promotes physical activity, the use of a sustainable transport mode (the bicycle!), and also aims to increase the modal share of cycling by creating a network of cyclists.
The challenge is based on the BikePrints app, a tracking app for cyclists, already available in Google Play and Apple app stores. The app allows users to track their rides, and to participate in a three-week competition within their city and also with all the other participating cities in Europe. Participants may ride alone, in pairs or in groups, and earn points based on the distance they ride; the points will eventually be converted to prizes.
The European Commission is seeking local coordinators to help promote and organise a Social Biking challenge in their city/town. The local coordinator who organises the most successful local Social Biking challenge will receive an award at a special ceremony in Brussels.
Potential Local Social Biking Coordinators (municipalities, NGOs, cycling clubs, etc.) who would like to organise a Social Biking challenge in their town/city (either within EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK or independently) are requested to express their interest by 20 August 2019, by marking the corresponding field (participation in related EU initiatives: ‘Social Biking challenge’) when registering participation in EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK (here).
For further information and assistance on how to organise a Social Biking challenge in your city/town (even prior to registering for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK) you can write directly to eu-socialbikingec [dot] europa [dot] eu (.)
You can also check out the website for further details on the participation requirements and the important dates for organising a Social Biking challenge in your city!
This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 769177.
The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the CIVITAS Handshake project and in no way reflects the views of the European Commission.