Cadiz Becomes Part of the Cycling Showbiz

Author: Richard Adams

A new network of bike lanes is being built in the Handshake city of Cadiz

Once complete, the coastal port city will have 30km of dedicated cycle lanes.

This work is being carried out as part of a local and regional administration agreement, which aims to create a connected and safe cycling network throughout Cadiz by the end of 2020.

The design of the new bike lanes follow the recommendations of the Junta de Andalucía (regional administration), and is based on the construction of bidirectional lanes, segregated from the road as an extension of the existing footways.

Each lane has a minimum total width of 2.5m, as well as and a buffer area of 0.5m next to the road and 0.8m adjacent to parked cars.

The surfacing is made up of asphalt agglomerate and finished with mortar based on styrenated acrylic resins, which form a hard, flexible film, resistant to impact and wear, all in a distinctive green colour.

The space needed for the new bike lanes network is obtained by eliminating parking spaces and one carriageway in some avenues, which now have turned into one-way roads.

The city has already installed over 60% of the total planned bicycle network. 

The distance between the furthest points in Cadiz is a mere 6km, which makes it the perfect city for the use of the bicycle as a means of transport.

Image by: Reggie Tricker

This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 769177.

The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the CIVITAS Handshake project and in no way reflects the views of the European Commission.