Family cycling in Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester has a vision to create the most comprehensive and interconnected walking and cycling network in the UK

About Greater Manchester

TfGM logo

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) is responsible for transport services across the ten districts of Greater Manchester. It is currently also developing and implementing an ambitious package of cycling improvements as part of its "Bee Network" proposals. TfGM's 2040 Transport Strategy for Greater Manchester sets out a long-term vision for cycling. Chris Boardman (the former Olympic cycling champion) was appointed as Cycling and Walking Commissioner in 2017 and is the driving force behind the city region’s ambitions to change the way people travel.

Main cycling challenges

The cycling environment in much of Greater Manchester does not encourage Mancunians to try cycling as a means of everyday transport. Greater Manchester has a vision to create a comprehensive cycling network where it is no longer necessary to share space with busy motor traffic. Learning lessons from the Dutch, Danish and German examples is key to achieving this vision, and that is what Greater Manchester hopes to gain from the Handshake project.


Population icon
2,780,000 Population
Amount of cyclists icon
5k/day Amount of cyclists
(on busiest route)
Car ownership rate icon
446 Car ownership rate
(cars per 1000 residents)
City area<
1,276 km² City area
Length of cycle network icon
1651 km Length of cycle network


June 2019

Cycling solutions

Greater Manchester's activities in Handshake focus on developing measures for behaviour change whilst also benefiting from wider advice from a cycling capital, namely Copenhagen, through a mentoring relationship.

Mentor: Copenhagen

Greater Manchester


TfGM - Cycling

Transport for Greater Manchester
2 Piccadilly Place
M1 3BG
United Kingdom

cycling [at]

+44 161 244 1000

More Greater Manchester updates

Greater Manchester online media

This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 769177.

The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the CIVITAS Handshake project and in no way reflects the views of the European Commission.