Velo-city 2021
After an inspiring Velo-city conference in Dublin (Ireland), Lisbon (Portugal) will be the host of Velo-city 2021. Join the global cycling summit from 6-9 September 2021 and explore the theme "Cycle Diversity".
The conference theme
"Cycle Diversity" reveals itself in a variety of circumstances, political contexts, climates, natural or human-built environments with cyclists of all ages, backgrounds and genders, and with all types of bicycles, used for different purposes.
We must take advantage of cycle diversity to address the inequities of our cities and mitigate their effects by increasing access to bicycle use for all.
About Velo-city
Velo-city is widely considered as the premier worldwide annual cycling summit, serving as a global knowledge exchange platform.
It brings together all those who are involved in the policy, promotion and provision for cycling, active mobility and sustainable urban development. The aim of the conference is to influence decision makers in favour of more active and sustainable mobility and to inspire vibrant discussions between conference delegates.
Since the Velo-city series began in 1980, it has played a valuable part in promoting cycling as a sustainable and healthy means of transport for all. The conference exhibition showcases the latest innovations and joyful experiences one can only experience by bike!
Stay informed
Keep up to date on the latest updates news regarding Velo-city 2021 by visiting its website.
This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 769177.
The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the CIVITAS Handshake project and in no way reflects the views of the European Commission.