Cycling in Rome - the Transitory Bike Lane Plan
Join a webinar from C40 Cities to hear how Rome’s city council is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by approving the construction of 150 kilometers of transitory and permanent cycle routes on the city’s main streets and along other key routes.
Since the announcement in May, more than 10km of cycle lanes have already been delivered. Construction on the first route at the Piazzale Cina began on 7 May. New road markings indicate the cycle lane, which replaces what had previously been a car-only lane.
Such simple and easy-to-implement methods enable the quick creation of a large network, which is crucial given the current situation's urgency. Some of the routes were already foreseen within the city’s SUMP.
Francesco Iacorossi and Fabrizio Benvenuti, speaking on behalf of Roma Mobilita, will also reveal the role that Handshake has played in realising the plans.
Join to ask questions and engage with other cities on their efforts to reactivate mobility in the most safe and sustainable way.
The webinar starts on Tuesday 21 July, 17:00 CEST - take part via Zoom using the link here.
This COVID-19 Active & Sustainable Mobility series is delivered jointly by C40's Walking and Cycling, Mass Transit and Air Quality networks.
This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 769177.
The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the CIVITAS Handshake project and in no way reflects the views of the European Commission.