Bruges Immersive Symposium
Huis van de BruggelingBrugge
Handshake's very first immersive symposium is taking place in Bruges (Belgium) from 13-14 January 2020.
An expert delegation, including the City of Amsterdam (Bruges’s mentor in Handshake) and the Copenhagenize Design Co, is visiting the historic city. When there, they will discuss Bruges’s plans, witness how its solutions are taking shape, and offer advice on how it can realise its goal to become Belgium’s leading cycling city.
A key focus of the visit is how Bruges can go about building a comprehensive cycling network. Whilst its ambitious FR30 bicycle ring road will form the foundation of this, it still faces a difficult question: how can a historic medieval centre be integrated into a modern bike network?
A bike tour will give all a chance to see various ‘weak’ points within the current network, with potential solutions to these discussed in a series of workshops. With this in mind, the group will also examine the broader question of how to create a cycling network suitable for all users.
This intimate exchange and concerted focus on local challenges and solutions makes such symposia highly personal, immersive and sensory learning experiences, and differentiates them from standard conferences and training.
Read more about the symposia and all of Handshake's study activities here
This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 769177.
The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the CIVITAS Handshake project and in no way reflects the views of the European Commission.